Wednesday 23rd September 2015 – SLE Information Evening

The Downland Teaching School Alliance is looking to recruit a number of SLEs. If you are an experienced middle or senior leader who is interested in supporting leaders and other teachers in other schools as part of your own and their professional development, you might be interested in finding out more.

What’s needed to become an SLE?

  • you need to have been in a leadership role below the Headteacher for at least 2 years. (Your Headteacher will be asked to confirm that you are in an appropriate role. Higher level teaching assistants are not eligible to apply)
  • you can be from any type or phase of school.
  • you don’t need to be in an outstanding school or a school that is part of a teaching school alliance, as long as your school has the capacity to release you to work in other schools.
  • you must have at least one specialism from 4 areas of expertise (which are based on the 4 areas of focus for Ofsted).

Why not come along to our free event to find out more and have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the role with colleagues.

  • When? Wednesday 23rd September 2015 at 4pm
  • Where? The Downs School, Compton Newbury Berkshire RG20 6AD

Coffee / tea and biscuits will be provided.

Contact us to book your place.

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