This two day course is designed for secondary middle/subject leaders who are looking for their next leadership post.
Day 1 will explore:-
The qualities of inspirational leadership
How to create an empowered team
The importance of vision and what stops us achieving it
Engaging with people at every level
Day 2 will explore:-
How to optimise everyones leadership capacity
How to create a climate where everyone wants to work to raise the bar
How to develop different leadership styles and when to use them
Creating a school action plan
The keys to motivation and the impact of change to help you lead your team to your schools vision
Course Infomation
- Phase: All
- Date: Tuesday 22nd November 2016
- Time: 9.30am - 4pm
- Venue: The Downs School - Map
Trainer Information
Anita Warwick | Anita Warwick is the Executive Headteacher of Uplands Primary School in Sandhurst and the Forest Learning Alliance (FLA). Under her leadership, Uplands progressed from barely satisfactory (Ofsted 1999) to Outstanding in 2006 and 2009, and was awarded National Teaching School status, March 2013. Uplands KS1-2 results, since 2013 continue to be consistently high, and place the school amongst the top in the country. Her profound belief in great leadership at all levels as the key to school success initially led her to create Inspired to Lead (ITL) and now Aspiring to Headship, as well as Amazing Middle leadership training programmes which bring the very latest in leadership thinking to education. With over 1500 teachers and Heads in Berkshire and across the country trained, many have been inspired to take on more senior leadership roles in schools and lead transformational change. |
Course Dates
- 22/11/2016
- 14/03/2017