We asked one of our trainees about their journey into training to teach with us.
Why did you decide to train to teach?
I always enjoyed primary and secondary school as a student and I could never pinpoint why that was. As I moved into my GCSE’s and A-level’s I soon realised that it was the teachers who were responsible for my positive experience. My teachers were always encouraging of my success and constantly pushed me to achieve the very best that I could.
What were you doing before you applied to teacher training?
I finished my English Literature degree in March and began my training in the September.
Why did you choose the Downland Alliance?
I chose to study with the Downland Alliance as it had been advertised during my Sixth Form years and I had spoken to a Modern Foreign Languages trainee who was about to complete the course and expressed his passion for his subject and for the training course.
What was one of the highlights of your training?
The highlight of my training has been a lightbulb moment in a student who found the task difficult at first, yet through consistent and varied help and practice, I was able to help the students to understand the concept. Their facial expression and their relief when the realisation hit them was truly inspiring and worthwhile to see.
What has been most difficult for you during your training?
For me, the most difficult part is going home at the end of the day and trying not to worry about students that you have seen or spoken to in the day.
Where do you hope to be in 5 years time?
In five years I hope to have a more pastoral role in a school, specifically focussed on Pupil Premium students who deserve the same chance as every other child in the school.